Near infrared-light drug-delivery materials for ocular implants
Project ID: PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2019-0538
Project objectives
(O1) The first objective aims to optimize the crosslinking protocols of PiPOx with dicarboxylic amino/ hydroxy acids to obtain degradable hydrogel materials with balanced properties. The possibility of mixing all the ingredients in a one-pot strategy towards drug formulations will be tested. This objective corresponds to a TRL 1 (Experimental concept).
(O2)The second objective aims to test and validate the light-assisted protocol for NIR-RHM towards attaining remote control on the drug-release profiles (this objective corresponds to TRL 2, design of Experimental models).
(O3) The third objective aims to validate the drug-release performance of the NIR-RHM in relevant in vitro environments (i.e. simulated body fluids, simulated ocular fluids). From experimental models towards Functional designs to validate the proof of concept for NIR-RHM - this objective corresponds to a TRL 3.
(O4) The fourth objective takes into account the following aspects related to the project: (i) the administrative and scientific risks that meet mitigation solutions in a complete risk management plan; (ii) protection of the intellectual property via a national patent claim; and (iii) dissemination strategies of mid-term outcomes at international level consisting in scientific articles and communications to conferences/congresses.